Saturday, May 19, 2012

Seriously out number in my house!!!!

Well when I went into my 19 week ultrasound, I seriously thought YES!!! The household is going to be split down the middle. 2 boy and 2 girls...then I started to think how am I suppose to deal with a girl? Then I started to get excited about all the possibilities of hair bows, cute little girl clothes, and Nick having his little girl!!! I started buying little girl clothes and accessories...but that all came crashing down on May 9, 2012 When we went in for our next ultrasound. I was 25 weeks when we found out what we were having. Surprise were having another BOY!!! I started to think this is going to be great for Nicholas he's going to have another wrestling partner other than daddy. They are going to be great friends and the best of brothers. Also I really don't have to buy any clothes for him besides new born clothes for this little boy. 

Well this pregnancy is so different than when I was pregnant with Nicholas. This little boy is sitting really high and Nicholas sat low. Brodie is really active and never stays still. He is always in my ribs, it feels like he is ripping then apart from each other. But I have to tell you I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so grateful to have this opportunity again to carry my own child and get to experience the sensation of little kicks and movements of this little boy. If you asked me four years ago if I thought I would be a mom I would have laughed at you. I still can't believe that not only do I have one of the cutest little boys in the world but now I have the privilege to be another little boys mommy. I am so blessed...I can already tell by the ultrasound pictures that this little one is going to be the spitting image of his daddy and older brother. These kids don't look anything like me. I'm just there oven for nine months but I'm extremely happy to do it! 

Baby Number 2...6 weeks. Coming August 21, 2012
Baby Number 2, 9 weeks!!!

Brodie Michael Xidis...25 weeks!

Brodie's little Feet...25 weeks!

Surprise Dad and Mom I'm a boy not a Girl!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Xidis Family Update!!!!

I thought since it have been almost 5 months since I updated about our family I would take a few moments and tell everyone what we are up to these days. Warning we are really boring or so I think!!! Well lets see we moved from Arizona to Fort Hood, Texas on February 27. We got here on a Saturday and we in a hotel for about 5 days and then we got our post house. Not the most good looking place inside and out but its better then sleeping in a hotel or on the street. It's a pretty good size house too...four bedroom and two bathrooms. It's a good size for us seeing how three of the bedrooms will be in use by the end of August. We found out last December that we are expecting another child on August 21, 2012. A total surprise to both Nick and I but we are so excited. Well since we've been here in Texas we have celebrated Easter, Nicholas' 2nd Birthday, and Mother's day!!! I can't believe that my baby is 2 years old he is getting so old!!!! He is so smart...his vocabulary is so diverse and huge. His words that he loves to say as of right now is Happy Day, pizza, thank you, please, baby, brother, Brodie, and welcome... etc. He loves his daddy so much. Every time his daddy leave and comes back he is so happy that his daddy is home. He screams and yells daddy and hugs his  daddy's leg and never wants to let go!!!

We have went exploring Texas a is a huge state!!! We have went to the Waco Zoo which Nicholas loved and had a blast.

 He especially loved the Lions...when we were there the lions were right by the glass staying cool out of the sun. 
 Rhino's...Nicholas didn't know what to think!!!
 Nicholas loves monkey of all sorts....because he thinks they are his Papa Rick in Arizona. So every time he see a monkey he screams Papa!!!
 My little man riding in his wagon...he can't get enough of riding in it....thank you Grandpa and Grandpa Xidis!!!

Nicholas' Birthday celebration...wasn't ideal but we had fun as a family!!!! We celebrated by going to Sea World! 

Dolphins...Nicholas couldn't stop laughing at them!!!
Beluga whale was so much fun to watch...and was so cute!!! 

Just had to share this photo that my amazing husband took!!!
Jaws...the number one reason I never go into the ocean!!

Nicholas and Daddy touching Sting Rays!!!
This is the sting ray my brave little man touch!!!
Our Little Celebration at home....just the three of us!!!

Blowing out his number 2 candle!!!
Loving his Cake!!!
So excited!!!

 Opening Presents!!!

His favorite gift that he got...plays with it all the time!!! Practicing mowing the lawn!!!

As of right now our family is in a normal routine! Right now Nick is waiting for his unit to get back from Afghanistan because right now he is on "Rear D" in which he just sits around, picks weeds and mows lots of lawns. He told me he has never mowed so much grass in his life. I have started do day care again...I have only one kid as of right now. His name is Landon and he is 1. He is a joy to have and I'm so thankful Nick and I didn't get pregnant sooner. I could have never dealt with a 2 year old and a 1 year old I would have been committed. I am about 27 weeks pregnant as of right now and I'm loving this little one moving around in my belly. He is so active. Yep it's another boy and his name is going to be Brodie Michael Xidis! We are so excited even though we thought it was girl at 19 weeks. We went to our 19 week ultrasound and the tech was sure it was little girl so we were so excited! When it came out to be a boy I was kinda relieved because honestly I didn't have a clue what to do with a girl!!! But we are so excited for Brodie to be apart of our family!!! Nicholas is a bundle of joy and extremely energetic. He keeps me on my toes everyday. I have finally came to terms with me not being a perfect mother. I have come to learn to let my house be messy all day and clean it at night when we Nicholas is have quiet time or in the bath.  I got so frustrated cleaning all day just to have a mess at the end of the day... so that's why I let it go all day, less stressful for me and my family is happier doing with me during the day and I yell less!!!! We are missing our family and friends in Arizona but we are so happy to be a whole family again!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Moving Time!!!

I thought it would be a great to update my blog by telling everyone that we are moving in few weeks to Texas!!! I have mixed feelings about this new adventure...for one we don't have a place to live yet and base housing is telling us that it might take 4-5 months to get us a house on base. If any of you know me well, you know that I don't do change well and that unplanned change scares the crap out of me. See I'm a planner and this moving to Texas without one is killing me and of course my husband you know Nick the most laid back person ever says don't worry about it everything will work out for the best. My other reasoning behind my mixed feelings is that I have lived in a 5 block radius from my dad and family my whole life and not being able to just pack up the kids and drive to Papa's house to go swimming all day in the summer is going to kill me!!! Just thinking about it is making me cry. I am going to miss my family so much when we leave. Also my friends here...even though I rarely see you guys...I am going to miss you so much.