Thursday, June 20, 2013

Family Update!!!

Finally I have decided to update my blog by person!!!

Nick: Right now he just got done with door gunner. These next three weeks are going to go by so slow because Nick has to work 7 day a week 12 hour shifts. So now when he goes on a DART Mission he will be the door gunner on the helicopters. That is so exciting for him not me!! In September/October of 2013 he will be leaving for his first tour in Afghanistan for 9 months. He has recently been promoted to Specialist. In July he is going to WLC (Warrior Leadership Course), so while he is over in Afghanistan he will be promoted to Sergeant Xidis! I am so very proud of my husband an all he has been doing!!!

Andi: I'm Just doing the mom thing 24/7 and loving it. Don't get me wrong it get stressful some days without any help but it's worth it in the end! I have met some really cool people here in Fort Hood and will be sad to say goodbye in September but I really believe that going home  is the best thing for the kids and I. We all can't wait to get back to Arizona. Me especially so I can have my hair dresser back!! Also so i can spend some time with my family. Even thought us being home means Nick is 20,000 miles away from us in Afghanistan! We will miss him dearly!!! I'm thinking about going back to school when I go back to Arizona to get more of my nursing degree out of the way!!!

Nicholas: He recently turned 3!!! How this happened I have no idea. As of right now he is using the potty like a big boy! He rides his bike without training wheels! He copies everything I do and loves being a big brother!! He loves guns, motorcycles, and helicopters just like his dad! He loves to be just like his daddy! He had such a great spirit and is my one of the most grateful blessings of my life! He loves calling Papa, Grandma, and Nini on the phone! He loves playing with my Ipad and anything electronic!!!

Brodie: He is almost 1... I can't believe that my baby is going to be 1 in August. It feels like yesterday that I was in labor with him!!! He is so smilie and happy all the time! He is really spunky and love to make me laugh. He gives me kisses and snuggles with me for now until he's like Nicky and doesn't want to give me kisses or hugs until I beg for it!!! He crawls a mile a minute and every where I turn he is there. Currently he is breaking 6 new teeth and is kind of miserable. He still doesn't sleep through the night!! He loves playing outside and tries to get out the door every chance he can. He loves to dance to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song!!!

AS a FaMiLy we are just spending as much time together as possible before September comes...We don't want daddy to go but we know it's for his job!! Nick is torn to..he doesn't want to leave us but he wants the experience...We are so very proud of our Soldier!!!