Saturday, December 27, 2008

Yougest of Eight!!!!!

Being the youngest sucks especially of eight.... I don't know why i got to be last but it had to be for a reason. I guess! It just is that everyone thinks your a child and that you dont know anything. i might be twenty-one but to them im still that little girl that they all pick on and make fun of. I guess they dont understand that im in college and married and have been taking care of myself since almost i was 17 years old, but i guess no body cares. I wish they would see me that way!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Family Drama

Family Drama... every family has and every family absolutely hates it :( In my family there is a lot of it happening now especially around the holidays. See my parents have been divorced for about five years now and let me tell you when my mom left it was kind of a relief. she always would make my dad feel like crap it he did something for his kids. I can remember a time i wanted to play ASA Softball so bad that my dad worked for my uncle pat so he could pay for my softball. My mom was jelous of her kids, she thought that she should be my dads #1. A lot of people don't know what happened between my parents but my brother and I got the crappy end of it. It turns out that my mom left my dad for another guy that is a complete loser. When she left she took off with our only car and left my day and us with no way of getting around. After that our lives were changed forever and for the better. My brother was graduated and i was entering my senior year. At the beginning of my senior year my brother married one of my best friends Maggie. Six months later they found out that they were expecting their first child. I was finally going to have a niece around me and a niece that could actually call me aunt andi. Well back to my senior year... I started second semester with a great attitude and a open mind. Then one night I meet the most wonderful guy ever named nick. We started dating and now we have been married for two years. To end on that happy note... my mom now lives with my sister sherie in the same apartment complex and thinks that i should be her best friend. I have forgave her for leaving like she did but i can't get over the fact that she cheated on my dad. My dad is my very best friend in the whole world. My mom is one of those mothers who thinks just because she gave you life that you should owe her something in return. I dont owe her anything, she didnt even raise me. I'm sorry to be so depressing but i really needed to get that off my chest. I have had that bottled all up inside and cant take it anymore.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Final Equals Christmas

What I love about Finals week is that a week after that is Christmas... Well I love Christmas so much not only do we get to celebrate the birth of Christ but we get to spend time with those we love. I love the Holidays because we have a two day celebration. We have Christmas eve at my Aunt Linda's house were we exchange secret santa gifts. The little kids get to open one present and I love to see their faces opening their presents. On Christmas morning we go over to my dads house and open the rest of the presents and have breakfast. My sister and I cook dinner, but this year everyone nominated me to cook... I hopt that goes okay I'll tell you after it happens. We sometimes go to my sister in-laws parents house and hang out with them. Nick and I don't have any kids so we get to spoil my nieces and nephews that are here in arizona. If we were to buy for all my nieces and nephews i would go bankrupt. I can't wait until Christmas... only 10 mores days and I'm counting down!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Life Today

Well there really isn't anything to tell everyone as of right now. Nick is still working for the same company that he has been with since 2006. Nick hopes one day become an EMT, but that is if he can ever find time with his busy work schedule. I have been going to school since Fall of 2007. My major is Elementary Education, I graduate from MCC in December of 2009 and then transfer up to ASU Polytech education program. That's it for right now.

Friday, December 12, 2008


How many times have you found yourself thinking i want or need that?... Probalby a million i know i do, but i just found out some news that a good friend of mine got told that she had cancer. I should feel greatful that it didnt happen to me but why did it have to happen to her. This friend im talking about is such a wonderful person always doing something for someone else in their time of need, never says no to anything. I can remeber the first time i met her, she started working at the place i worked and we hit it off rather quickly... she is the type of person that makes everything around you funny and she always makes you laugh no matter what. But i feel bad because the only thing i can do for her in her time of need is to pray and hope she gets better. I hope she knows Nick and I love her and are praying for her and her family.